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HomeFactsWhat Questions Should I Ask My Roofer

What Questions Should I Ask My Roofer

Does Your Roofer Have General Liability Insurance

Questions you should ask before hiring a roofing contractor?

This is an important question for any property owner. They should provide those certificates to you if you ask for them. This ensures that should any property be damaged, it is insured by the roofer and will not affect your homeowners policy. EDCA Roofing does provide a copy of our license and certificate of insurance.

Roofing Contractor Question #: What Is Your Change Process

Certain situations call for changes while the project is underway. Sometimes roofers discover hidden roofing issues while theyre removing an existing roof, such as wood rot. In other cases, the homeowner changes his or her mind after seeing the materials. The homeowner needs to sign off on changes that will delay the projects completion and can change the projects costs thats standard across the industry.

To protect yourself, youll want to find out what the process is if any changes become necessary during the project. Ask the contractor what happens if roofers find damage, if the materials arent what you expected, or what will happen if you change your mind. That way, youre prepared for the unexpected.

Question #: Can You Leave The Roof Estimate In My Mailbox

If a roofer agrees to leaving your estimate in the mailbox or agrees to just drop it off, then it may be a good idea to sprint in the opposite direction! Sounds counter-intuitive, heres why:

Most roofers get away with dropping estimates off because its what homeowners want! Most homeowners like you and I are using this method to gather a bunch of estimates so we can compare, contrast, and choose the best deal. Makes senses, but this plan unfortunately backfires because in the long run.

Getting a just price on a piece of paper does YOU a disservice because you lost the opportunity to ask any questions about the company, product, or installation practices. And as weve discussed above, you NEED this information in order to make an informed decision when hiring your contractor.

Leaving an estimate in your mailbox is a terrifying proposition for the roofing company too because they may not even be able to complete the job! Well explain why in question #7

Answers you can accept:

  • No, because we may need to ask you questions.
  • No, because youll need to choose which materials you prefer so the estimate is accurate.
  • No, because depending on what we find outside we may need to inspect your attic.

Dont accept answers that allow a roofing contractor just to drop off an estimate in your mailbox because the price they leave may increase when materials change, or if more work needs to be done than was originally expected.

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What Kind Of Roofing Company Are They

The industry does perpetuate the idea that there are countless roofers out there trying to take advantage of you.

And yes, those people do exist. But in reality, youre not likely to run into them. If you do, youll likely weed them out in steps one and two above.

So lets take a minute to understand the roofing industry.

All of them do good work. You just need to know which type of company youre talking to and make sure theyre the right fit for your needs.

What Is Your Workmanship Warranty

What Questions Should I Ask My Roofing Contractor?

Roof warranties are in place to protect your roof investment. Youll have one on your roofing materials and another on the contractors workmanship.

You must ask a roofing contractor what kind of warranty they offer on their workmanship. They could offer anywhere from one year, two years, three years, five years, 10 years, 25 years, or even a lifetime.

For example, a company that relies heavily on caulk will give a two-year workmanship warranty because the caulk will fail within a couple of years. However, if a roofing company really cares about how your roof is installed, theyll provide you with a lifetime warranty.

Just be warned, warranties are only worth the paper they’re written on. To learn more about your roof warranties, read this article on what roof warranties cover.

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Will Your Roofer Use Steel In The Valleys Or Weave The Shingles

If your roofer says theyll weave your shingles without installing metal underneath, you should take that as a red flag. Woven valleys are cheaper and easier for roofers to install, but they leave homeowners at a disadvantage. Theyre more vulnerable to premature wear-and-tear as the granules on the shingles are prone to wearing faster. Metal valleys are more durable, last longer, and look better.

How Do Your Prices Compare To Your Competitors

This question gives you valuable information at face value, but it also functions as an open door for the roofer to say negative things about their competitors. No matter what business someone is in, throwing dirt on a competitor is usually in poor taste. Its better to keep the focus on the positive value you bring to the table than to start trying to stomp on the other guys. It can also indicate insecurity or unprofessionalism. The higher road is to refrain from bashing the competition, so listen for whether you can respect their approach when you bring it up.

This a particularly difficult question to answer for someone whose prices are higher than the competition, but its also the chance for them to show you where they shine. For instance, the more expensive companies might tell you something like this:

Give your roofer a chance to offer an explanation for why their prices are higher than the competition, and at minimum, you may find out some useful information.

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Do They Guarantee Their Work

Mistakes happen. When they do, its important that your roofer is committed to making things right.

Be sure to ask potential roofers:

  • What kind of warranty do you offer?
  • What does it cover?
  • Do they guarantee your work?

When you ask these questions, watch their reaction. Do they act offended? This could be a red flag that the roofer will be hard to work with.

Good roofers will stand behind their work and arent afraid to talk about potential problems. You want a relationship based on mutual respect.

Roofing Contractor Question #: Do You Offer Storm Damage Repair

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Make sure to ask if your prospective roofer offers storm damage repair. Inclement weather will pop up at the most inconvenient times, so it pays to know if your prospective roofer can offer emergency services.

There are several ways that storms can damage your roof, but the most common are:

  • Wind damage. Fast-moving, strong winds can lift up shingles even when theyre nailed down perfectly. Tiles and shingles can actually come right off your roof during bad storms. If that happens, rain and debris can make its way into the underlayment and other materials beneath the parts of your roof you can normally see from the street. That puts your home at risk for further damage, so youll need to have these issues checked and repaired by professionals as soon as possible.
  • Debris damage. Flying debris can damage your roof significantly during a storm. Although asphalt shingles can typically stand up to minor impacts from debris, other types of materials can dent or crack, and youll need a professional to fix them.
  • Water damage. Water damage from a storm can be catastrophic and the sooner you address a leak, the better. In many cases, an expert roofing contractor can make repairs that prevent post-leak damage quickly, so youll need to ensure the contractor you work with can come back out in an emergency.

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Will The Roofer Remove Your Old Roof

An easy way for black-hat roofers to cut corners is by visually inspecting the old roof and then shingling over it. If they dont pull the old shingles up, however, they wont know whether or not there are soft spots hiding beneath. If problems arent found and repaired early, youre looking at costly repairs down the road. A good, experienced roofer should always take up your old roof before placing a new one down.

What Steps Do You Take To Ensure The Safety Of My Home And My Family

A professional roofer will use a myriad of tools and machinery to get the job done. Ask your roofer how they plan to organize their machinery, including trucks, dumpsters, and ladders to prevent damage to your property or injury to your family members. They should also carry liability insurance just in case something goes wrong.

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Whats Your License Status

A highly trustworthy roofer will probably hold a license that is valid in multiple states, but you should still be able to trust a roofer that is only licensed in your state. This is because codes can vary according to available materials, the way a regions climate affects those materials, and other variables. Be sure to find out that the license is up to date they usually need to be renewed every few years .

Tip #: Get Everything In Writingand Read It

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You should get all the terms of the job in writing including how long the roofing project will take and the size of the crew needed to complete the job. Both you and your roofer should be able to arrive at an agreement in writing. The roofing company also shouldnt be asking you to pay for the entire job upfront. A deposit and payment plan is standard with payment in full upon completion of the roof.

Three Tree Roofing Financing Options

All of our customers can apply for our financing options through our partner financing Hearth. This provides all of our clients who qualify, the opportunity to break the cost of your new roof into predictable monthly payments.

You should always read any paperwork given to you by your contractor, including the contract and the warranties. Ideally, the materials and labor should be guaranteed for at least five years. However, the materials themselves should be protected by a warranty of 20 to 40 years.

All Questions Answered

Part of the Three Tree Roofing process is to answer all your questions and make sure you have a good understanding of the paperwork, process and what to do after your new roof is installed.

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Do You Have Any References

Its always a good idea to see the previous work that a roofing company has done. Ask if there are any local residential job sites available for you to see. You can also ask for references, but most homeowners dont want their personal information shared. It can also be easy for roofing companies to cherry-pick from their best customers, so take these with a grain of salt. Still, it can be beneficial to call these homeowners to learn how well the roofing company did, how satisfied they were with the job, and any other questions you may have.

Will Someone Be Onsite If I Have Questions

Inevitably you will have questions during your roofing job. Its important to know who you can speak to and if they will be onsite daily. Find out who the project manager will be and be sure to have their contact information ahead of time. If the company says there will be no one in charge or that they will not be there, thats a red flag. Someone needs to be in charge and you need to know who that someone is.

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How Long Does It Take To Replace A Roof On Average

Many people ask us, How long does it take to replace a roof? Of course, we can give you an average, but the time it takes to replace a roof can vary by several factors. There isnt a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to determining the length of time itll take professionals to replace your roof. For optimal conditions and an average size home, we can estimate that a new roof usually takes 1-3 days.

How Can Unforeseen Circumstances Change The Overall Cost Of My Roof

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There are some unforeseen circumstances your roofing contractors may encounter that could increase the overall cost of your roof. Its best if the cost isnt a surprise. If your roofers discover rotted wood or another problem that could result in an increased overall cost, youll want to already have a quote ready.

Answer You Want to Hear: An estimated cost for unforeseen circumstances can be supplied with the quote.

Red Flag Answer: Wont supply an estimated cost for unforeseen circumstances.

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How Many Nails Will The Roofer Use Per Shingle

Your roofer should use at least four nails per shingle for a standard job. If, however, your home has a steep-sloped roof or is in a high-wind area, theyll need to use six nails for each shingle to firmly hold them in place.

Remember, though, that its also about how the nail is installed:

  • The Nail Line: All shingles have a nail line, which ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 centimetres, where the nail is meant to be placed. Putting the nail too high means it wont catch the shingle below, compromising the strength of your roof. If its too low it leaves the nail heads exposed to corrode over time and cause gaps as your roof naturally expands and contracts with changing temperatures. Not nailing shingles on the nail line also voids warranties and makes your roof more susceptible to wind and storm damage.
  • Properly Driven Nails: If a nail is driven in too hard, it can tear and ruin the shingle. If its not put in tightly enough, it can cause the shingles above it to sit up creating an air bubble that leaves your roof vulnerable to high winds. An angled nail leaves a rift for water to sneak in.

Do you know the differences between 3-tab and laminate shingles?

When Will My Dumpster And Materials Be Delivered When Will They Be Picked Up

A dumpster and materials will need to be delivered to your residence in preparation for the reroofing project. In most situations you want the dumpster and materials to be delivered as close to the start of the job as possible. Usually, this means the day before.

You also want the contractor to confirm they will be removing the leftover materials and dumpster from your property. Nobody wants to be left with an unsightly dumpster on their property. In most cases, your contractor should confirm they are picking up the dumpster the day the roof is complete or the day after.

Answer You Want to Hear: A clear timeline stating when materials and the dumpster will be picked up and dropped off in relation to the completion of your new roof.

Red Flag Answer: No clear answer or timeframe provided.

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What To Look For In A Roofing Contractor

Does your roofing contractor check the following boxes? This is what you should look for in a roofing contractor:

  • Clear communication on process of installation
  • Previous positive customer testimonials
  • Local company familiar with local codes and regulations
  • Licensed to work in your area

Have questions about your roof?

More Questions You Should Always Ask Your Roofing Contractor

What Questions Should I Ask My Roofer?

Getting a new roof installed can be a daunting time for a property owner, especially if you dont know what to expect. The process should be fairly straightforward when you have the right team on board.

In order to make sure the team you hire is reputable, the team at Findley have put together a list of questions we would expect to be asked prior to committing to a job. Here are more questions you should ask your roofing contractor!

Are you hiring subcontractors?

When a job is complex, some contractors hire subcontractors to carry out the job faster. You should always be wary when a contractor mentions theyll be hiring subcontractors to help with the job and ask assurance from your contractor about who is paying who.

Do you offer a warranty?

Every roofer who performs a repair or a replacement should offer some kind of warranty, especially when we consider the cost of new tiles or an entire roof. In the case of a completely new roof, you would expect an extended warranty of at least 25 years. Remember, your current roof is likely coming to the end of its warranty period or at the very least, will have a shorter warranty than the new one your roofer will fit.

Can you provide me with a quotation?

Will you replace my old roof?

How will you assure me that you will be back if there is bad weather?

Can I see your accreditations?

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Do They Use Subcontractors

Sometimes the company you hire is not the company that does the work. This can be an issue for a number of reasons, especially should anything go wrong with your job. Be sure to ask if the company you are hiring is the company performing the job. If the company does intend to use a subcontractor, be sure to find out their name and if the original companys insurance covers them. Do not use a company who cannot confirm who will be doing the actual work.

How Long Will The Roofing Work Take

Its a good idea to get an estimate of how long the job will take, whether its a complete roof replacement or a repair. Some companies overbook and then take weeks or even months just to get started on your roof. At Xterior, were always upfront about how long a job will take and when we can get started. If something changes with the timeline, we let our clients know.

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